Thursday, November 24, 2005

Domestic Violence (Finally) in the News

The WHO (the World Health Organization, not the band) has just released the results of a huge domestic violence study. The findings are, apparently, huge and one of the first of it's kind.

The first-ever World Health Organization (WHO) study on domestic violence reveals that intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence in womenÂ’s lives - much more so than assault or rape by strangers or acquaintances. The study reports on the enormous toll physical and sexual violence by husbands and partners has on the health and well-being of women around the world and the extent to which partner violence is still largely hidden.
While I'm incrediblygratefull and thankful that worldwide attention is being paid to the issue of domestic violence, it makes me think "duh." Domestic violence is a horrifically widespread problem and has been for way too long. That people are astonished by the rates this report gives astonishes me. How do people not realize how many women are abused by their partners? It just makes me sad how people turn a blind eye to the more important issues.

On that note, it makes me want to shoot myself that on Google News, this story has 114 related stories while Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's divorce has 413 related stories.

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