Monday, October 22, 2007

Spreadin the Love

Ok, I've been slacking again. But I've got a good reason! I swear! I've been obsessively reading the archives of 3 sites that I'm in love with:

The Sneeze (nominated for 2007 Blogger's Choice Awards: Best Humor Blog)
- Start with Steve Don't Eat It! CLASSIC!

- Yes, that is a Fandango Halloween Costume that Rob made. This man is a Halloween genius.

- Favorites: No Pants!; Best Buy; Suicide Jumper; Ben Folds Fake... well... really all of them...

Shout outs to all involved in these websites and all that makes them fantastic. I wish I was any one of you.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Does your young dog suffer from a condition known as "Puppy Breath?"

Do you long to give your doggy smootches but just can't stand the smell coming from his snout?

Your solution may be in the bathroom cabinet!

Fish oil capsules aren't just for people anymore!

These great little gel caps are fun and good for your little guy.

And best of all, that puppy breath will be history!

Instead, your pooch with be happily breathing the smells of dead fish in your face within seconds!

But wait! There's more!

That fish stench won't be confined to your pup's mouth - get ready for everything your doggy slobbers on to take on the distinct eau de dead fish - chewy toys, clothes, the bed, your skin...

Trust me, it's great.


If you find a good companion, who is following the same spiritual path, travel together, overcoming obstacles as they arise.. - Buddha

Friday, October 05, 2007

Happy Fun Laughy-Time!

So everyone knows that Laffy Taffy *cue the weirdly obscene song* is almost as famous for their comically un-funny jokes on each wrapper.

However, when did they start printing the psychotic gibberish of schizophrenic 4-year-olds?

Actual jokes from some wrappers I've gotten:

Q: How did the bone cross the road?
A: It didn't - the dog ate it!

Q: What did one cool alien say to the other?

A: Yo! You're a far out dude!

Q: What flies and helps people?
A: A Helidoctor!

Q: What do you call a cold puppy sitting on a rabbit?
A: A chili dog on a bun!

Q: Which garden has the most vegetables?
A: Flash garden.


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hire Me Bitches!

I need a new job, yo.
I'm tired of this one.
Looking better and better...