Tuesday, October 25, 2005

No Superheroes Need Apply

Someone, once, a long time ago, told me that I was their hero. At the time, I was flattered. I hadn't done anything to warrant being a hero - I was, at the time, not an activist, I hadn't even really formed my opinions on life yet. I think if I was in the same situation today, I would tell them not to think of me in that way. I mean, think about it. Heroes aren't people - they're images, fantasies, even, that are put on pedestals because of an idea we attach to them. Making a real person your hero will only result in the dissapointment of them to you. People are fallable; people inevitably make mistakes. No person can live up to the fantasy ideal of being a hero.

Unless you change what "hero" means.

My hero is anyone who stands up for what they believe in when everyone is against them. My hero is someone who tries to educate and change minds when they know it's a hopeless goal. My heroes are themselves no matter the cost. My heroes make mistakes - but learn from them. My heroes are real people in real situations doing what they know is best.

My heroes are quietly changing the world.

1 comment:

travelling blackwards said...

Thank you for your warm comments. We're living in a time that is a battle for the hearts, minds and souls of people. Today is a world of ideas and we have to find that balance that allows us to speak to that which is beneficial for humanity. I think your hero piece is one such idea.