Sunday, October 30, 2005

Harken Ye...

It seems that women's rights have once again gone out of style. Or perhaps, 'the powers that be' have decided that us pesky female-types have gotten out of control - with our voting rights, short hair styles, and (shudder) jobs. What have we been thinking?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 1984 played out in real time. Now, granted, they've since stated that "The issue has become more complex than anticipated and will be withdrawn from consideration by the Health Finance Commission" but the simple fact that it was ever in consideration is enough to ruffle this feminist's feathers and then some. This is a whole new level of "Keep your laws off my body."

Not to be outdone by their neighbors to the north, Kentucky has thrown it's hat into the your-ovaries-are-our-business ring.

I would write a scathing, sarcastic, and heavily loaded post about the absurdity of the whole obscene Kentucky situation (are my adjectives weighing you down yet?), but Sam has done a more brilliant job than I ever could.

If you need me, I'll be engaged in a massive letter writing campaign.

Today's career decision: Feminist Protestor

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