Ok, readers, (yes, I'm pompous enough to call the 5 of you who stumble haphazardly across my blog "readers") tonight I pose a question to you: is it possible to be friends with someone now who knew you when you were a different person? I don't mean a "I was Henry and now I'm Rose" different, but different views, ideas, stances than when they knew you.
Is it possible to be friends without
1. feeling like you are reverting back to your old self
2. disappointing them because you aren't who they thought you were
3. having them compare the new you to the old you
How do you let an old friend know that you are different?
On a lighter note, we definitely saw some people driving around high tonight. It would have been more entertaining had we not been the ones behind their ridiculous slow-ness (re: the Black Sheep scene).
Sunday, October 30, 2005
A Syllogism
Syllogisms...you know, those three statements of sequential logic you did in middle school?
Well, a Republican senator of Indiana has one for us:
1. Gays and Lesbians cannot get married.
2. Gays and Lesbians can use infertility and surrogate treatments to have children.
3. We (self-righteous, right-wing, moral-legislating, narrow minded pompous weasels) can prevent number 2 by making it legal only for married couples to receive such treatments.
Look, Senator, if you want to criminalize homosexuality, just try to do that; doing it this way just makes you look like a hypocritical moron. Any 7th grader can follow you're infantile logic and see your pathetic attempt.
I have to go throw up.
Sorry, I can't take credit for this. Sam said it and allowed me to post it.
Well, a Republican senator of Indiana has one for us:
1. Gays and Lesbians cannot get married.
2. Gays and Lesbians can use infertility and surrogate treatments to have children.
3. We (self-righteous, right-wing, moral-legislating, narrow minded pompous weasels) can prevent number 2 by making it legal only for married couples to receive such treatments.
Look, Senator, if you want to criminalize homosexuality, just try to do that; doing it this way just makes you look like a hypocritical moron. Any 7th grader can follow you're infantile logic and see your pathetic attempt.
I have to go throw up.
Sorry, I can't take credit for this. Sam said it and allowed me to post it.
Harken Ye...
It seems that women's rights have once again gone out of style. Or perhaps, 'the powers that be' have decided that us pesky female-types have gotten out of control - with our voting rights, short hair styles, and (shudder) jobs. What have we been thinking?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 1984 played out in real time. Now, granted, they've since stated that "The issue has become more complex than anticipated and will be withdrawn from consideration by the Health Finance Commission" but the simple fact that it was ever in consideration is enough to ruffle this feminist's feathers and then some. This is a whole new level of "Keep your laws off my body."
Not to be outdone by their neighbors to the north, Kentucky has thrown it's hat into the your-ovaries-are-our-business ring.
I would write a scathing, sarcastic, and heavily loaded post about the absurdity of the whole obscene Kentucky situation (are my adjectives weighing you down yet?), but Sam has done a more brilliant job than I ever could.
If you need me, I'll be engaged in a massive letter writing campaign.
Today's career decision: Feminist Protestor
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 1984 played out in real time. Now, granted, they've since stated that "The issue has become more complex than anticipated and will be withdrawn from consideration by the Health Finance Commission" but the simple fact that it was ever in consideration is enough to ruffle this feminist's feathers and then some. This is a whole new level of "Keep your laws off my body."
Not to be outdone by their neighbors to the north, Kentucky has thrown it's hat into the your-ovaries-are-our-business ring.
I would write a scathing, sarcastic, and heavily loaded post about the absurdity of the whole obscene Kentucky situation (are my adjectives weighing you down yet?), but Sam has done a more brilliant job than I ever could.
If you need me, I'll be engaged in a massive letter writing campaign.
Today's career decision: Feminist Protestor
Saturday, October 29, 2005
No Game Should Make Me Feel Like This
Stupid game. I defy anyone to beat this game.
Let me know if you do.
Word of warning: If you are prone to obssessing over things for days on end, do not - I repeat - do not attempt this game. You will be playing it for 6 days straight until you die from lack of food, water, and bathroom breaks.
Let me know if you do.
Word of warning: If you are prone to obssessing over things for days on end, do not - I repeat - do not attempt this game. You will be playing it for 6 days straight until you die from lack of food, water, and bathroom breaks.
Everybody's Doing It
Tales From the Nuthouse
Sadly, I've come to the conclusion that everyone that resides in our apartment is, um, "touched." Let's start with the cat.
Phoebe (our cat) is either obsessive and paranoid or way to smart for me to figure her out. Anytime that we have to put medicine on her food, she realizes what we've done and proceeds to paw out individual pieces from her bowl onto the floor, sniff to make sure that one's okay, then eats it off the floor. Repeat process. She never gets the ones that have the stuff on them. Yesterday I woke up and went to feed her where I noticed that she had eaten exactly half of her food. Not half amount-wise, but all of the food in the right side of the bowl was eaten while the left side hadn't been touched. It was a perfect line of Purina down the middle of the bowl. Somebody explain this to me. Also, anytime anyone lays face down on the floor, bed, couch, etc. she has to lay on their butt. My cat prefers asses. She is an ass cat. (If I don't get at least one Google hit on the phrase "ass cat" I'm going to be sorely disappointed.)
On to the humans:
Sam has this really cute habit of being obsessively perfect on a project to the point of neglecting all other duties (work, sleep, food) until it's done (I know you're reading this, need I bring up the watch incident of last spring?). Really, it's very charming. And now, apparently, I've picked up this adorable little quirk. I spent the better part of 6 hours yesterday working on what should have been a small 30 minute ordeal when I had other actual grad school responsibilities I should have been attending to. I can't afford this kind of time to non-school activities! And I knew this, I just couldn't stop myself! I didn't used to be like this. I blame this completely on Sam.
There are other things, I just have to get to work now. Lord knows, I don't need to get side-tracked by blogging all day and not do anything else. Again.
Phoebe (our cat) is either obsessive and paranoid or way to smart for me to figure her out. Anytime that we have to put medicine on her food, she realizes what we've done and proceeds to paw out individual pieces from her bowl onto the floor, sniff to make sure that one's okay, then eats it off the floor. Repeat process. She never gets the ones that have the stuff on them. Yesterday I woke up and went to feed her where I noticed that she had eaten exactly half of her food. Not half amount-wise, but all of the food in the right side of the bowl was eaten while the left side hadn't been touched. It was a perfect line of Purina down the middle of the bowl. Somebody explain this to me. Also, anytime anyone lays face down on the floor, bed, couch, etc. she has to lay on their butt. My cat prefers asses. She is an ass cat. (If I don't get at least one Google hit on the phrase "ass cat" I'm going to be sorely disappointed.)
On to the humans:
Sam has this really cute habit of being obsessively perfect on a project to the point of neglecting all other duties (work, sleep, food) until it's done (I know you're reading this, need I bring up the watch incident of last spring?). Really, it's very charming. And now, apparently, I've picked up this adorable little quirk. I spent the better part of 6 hours yesterday working on what should have been a small 30 minute ordeal when I had other actual grad school responsibilities I should have been attending to. I can't afford this kind of time to non-school activities! And I knew this, I just couldn't stop myself! I didn't used to be like this. I blame this completely on Sam.
There are other things, I just have to get to work now. Lord knows, I don't need to get side-tracked by blogging all day and not do anything else. Again.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Faker Detector
The BBC website has a pretty neat 'detect the fake smile' test. Which, by the way, I did remarkably well on. 18/20 correct, in fact.
I'm like a human fake-smile detector. Or something.
I'm like a human fake-smile detector. Or something.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
No Superheroes Need Apply
Someone, once, a long time ago, told me that I was their hero. At the time, I was flattered. I hadn't done anything to warrant being a hero - I was, at the time, not an activist, I hadn't even really formed my opinions on life yet. I think if I was in the same situation today, I would tell them not to think of me in that way. I mean, think about it. Heroes aren't people - they're images, fantasies, even, that are put on pedestals because of an idea we attach to them. Making a real person your hero will only result in the dissapointment of them to you. People are fallable; people inevitably make mistakes. No person can live up to the fantasy ideal of being a hero.
Unless you change what "hero" means.
My hero is anyone who stands up for what they believe in when everyone is against them. My hero is someone who tries to educate and change minds when they know it's a hopeless goal. My heroes are themselves no matter the cost. My heroes make mistakes - but learn from them. My heroes are real people in real situations doing what they know is best.
My heroes are quietly changing the world.
Unless you change what "hero" means.
My hero is anyone who stands up for what they believe in when everyone is against them. My hero is someone who tries to educate and change minds when they know it's a hopeless goal. My heroes are themselves no matter the cost. My heroes make mistakes - but learn from them. My heroes are real people in real situations doing what they know is best.
My heroes are quietly changing the world.
Politically I am...
You are a Social Liberal (76% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (10% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Monday, October 24, 2005
A Legend is Gone
Rosa Parks died today.
I'd love to say something beautiful and meaningful about what an incredible woman she was, but all I can think of is how sad it makes me that such an awesome and courageous woman is no longer with us. This article can say what I can't.
I'd love to say something beautiful and meaningful about what an incredible woman she was, but all I can think of is how sad it makes me that such an awesome and courageous woman is no longer with us. This article can say what I can't.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Will Blog for Money
Apparently, I haven't realized until now exactly how bad of a financial situation we're in. I get paid at the end of the month and we'll be able to pay rent and bills, but after that...
Sam's in the middle of the hiring process at the police department, but there's some kind of ridiculous hold up because he's been going through the process for about 2 months now. They need to get their freaking show on the road, here because we need to eat!
I'm freaking out so much. I'm going through our stuff (mentally and physically) to figure out what we can sell. Where exactly do you sell stuff when you need money? I know pawn shops, but do they buy everything or just guns 'n gold?
Anyone want to buy a used statistics book?
UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who offered money and/or suggestions to my money woes. We found out that Sam's going to start getting paid in a couple of weeks. So, while we still have another tight month to get through, it's going to get better. Woohoo!
Sam's in the middle of the hiring process at the police department, but there's some kind of ridiculous hold up because he's been going through the process for about 2 months now. They need to get their freaking show on the road, here because we need to eat!
I'm freaking out so much. I'm going through our stuff (mentally and physically) to figure out what we can sell. Where exactly do you sell stuff when you need money? I know pawn shops, but do they buy everything or just guns 'n gold?
Anyone want to buy a used statistics book?
UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who offered money and/or suggestions to my money woes. We found out that Sam's going to start getting paid in a couple of weeks. So, while we still have another tight month to get through, it's going to get better. Woohoo!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
What I do When I'm at Work: Part II
One of the absolute funniest SNL skits I've ever seen.
I need more cowbell, baby!
Matrix in the City - kinda funny.
Sex tape blooper - no nudity, pretty funny.
Crazy rock climber dude. This guy is freaking insane.
Ok, I actually have to do work now.
I need more cowbell, baby!
Matrix in the City - kinda funny.
Sex tape blooper - no nudity, pretty funny.
Crazy rock climber dude. This guy is freaking insane.
Ok, I actually have to do work now.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Ooo... Suck It!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Spying at Nature
We've come to the conclusion that the TV rules our house entirely too much. Last week, Sam and I decided that we are going to have to put restrictions on how much TV we watch during the week. We haven't actually put this plan into action yet, but I think it's going to work marvelously. The plan is that now, maybe, I can get my readings done before the day of class.
However, there is now something else that vies for my unadulterated staring-blankly-at-the-screen time - WildCam AFRICA. This thing is amazing. You can see all kinds of Serengeti-type animals coming to drink at this water hole, mingling together like its happy hour.
Most of the time, though it's just the watering hole. And bird noises.
I did see some elephants and that was really cool. But that was once. About 2 hours ago. For 15 minutes. And yet, the WildCam window is still open on my computer. The sun is setting so it is kind of grayed out the picture.
Hopefully when it's dark I can go on with my life.
UPDATE: The camera does night vision. There is no hope for my studies.
However, there is now something else that vies for my unadulterated staring-blankly-at-the-screen time - WildCam AFRICA. This thing is amazing. You can see all kinds of Serengeti-type animals coming to drink at this water hole, mingling together like its happy hour.
Most of the time, though it's just the watering hole. And bird noises.
I did see some elephants and that was really cool. But that was once. About 2 hours ago. For 15 minutes. And yet, the WildCam window is still open on my computer. The sun is setting so it is kind of grayed out the picture.
Hopefully when it's dark I can go on with my life.
UPDATE: The camera does night vision. There is no hope for my studies.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Bitchfest #1
Holy shit, I'm in such a bad mood right now. I mean, I don't think it could get any worse. Sam and I went over to his mom's tonight (actually, he's still there). We just got there, I mean just walked in the door, and she offers us some cookies that she just got at the store. I'm excited because I've been craving chocolate all day and then Sam turns to me and says "do you have your [insulin] pen?" No, of course I don't. So he gives me the car keys and says I have to go get it. I'm in shock. Really? I can't just wait until later when we're back home? Nope. Now. So I'm pissed. I grab the keys and leave. He follows and says that he'll go and I can stay, but I can't let him do that because then I'd be the girl who made my boyfriend go get my insulin while I sat at his mom's house and ate her cookies. So now, I'm at home debating on whether I even want to go back over there.
But there's no chocolate here.
But there's no chocolate here.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Damn the Trojans
My computer has a virus that now makes it run shoot-myself-in-the-face slow. I consider myself pretty computer savvy, but getting rid of this thing is going to take some kind of major computer miracle. I just don't have the patience to go through the whole process that I need to. And Norton AntiVirus is just messing with my head. Apparently, it feels the need to constantly have a box open to tell me that I have a virus, but it can't do anything about it.
Thanks. That helps. Shut up and go back to not protecting my computer at all.
Thanks. That helps. Shut up and go back to not protecting my computer at all.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I Saw a Guy in a Superman Shirt Today
Hmmm, guess not.
I had my first official professor experience today. I lectured today since Scott is in Italy. It went well. Of course, I forgot the video I was supposed to show, so class was only 25 minutes long. Oh, well. Better next time.
I had my first official professor experience today. I lectured today since Scott is in Italy. It went well. Of course, I forgot the video I was supposed to show, so class was only 25 minutes long. Oh, well. Better next time.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I've been sick. I still feel pretty lousy. I have my first midterm tomorrow.
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Oh, and I haven't had coffee in days.
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Oh, and I haven't had coffee in days.
Monday, October 03, 2005
The "Case" for Christ
For my birthday, one of the things I got from my grandmother was Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ (No, I'm not linking because I'm not endorsing the purchase of this book. Get over it.). Apparently, she thinks I need to be convinced of Jesus's existence because I let her read one of my Spong books. Foolish me. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my grandmother and she's a great woman. She's just very Southern - proper, Jesus loving, Sunday dinner-cooking, you get the idea.
I am horifically appalled that Strobel was an investigative reporter. Someone needs to review his investigations - hopefully no one ever went to jail for his investigations because they need a full pardon. I've read some reviews and an incredible analysis of his "arguments" so I'm not going to go totally in depth about it.
Let me sum up:
Strobel attempts to "prove" that Jesus was the son of God by "investigating" and interviewing authorities in the field. Which would be fine and dandy if he had interviewed anyone who didn't already believe what he was trying to prove. He talks about people and groups who don't believe - but he never actually talks to them. I have a major problem with this. Also, he "proves" that the New Testament is real and the truth by saying that the oral tradition that was the norm in Jesus's time was accurately transcribed into the books of the New Testament because the people would have memorized the exact way the events took place. Now, anyone who's ever taken an intro to Psychology course knows the problem with that statement. Scores of studies have proven (actually proven in a scientific way) that the human memory is incredibly faulty and unreliable. And he throws around big names like John Douglas (of FBI behavioral analysis fame) to make him seem credible, but to people who know who he's talking about he just sounds like an even bigger idiot. FYI - John Douglas would never try to profile someone in the manner that this idiot does.
Needless to say, I'm exchanging the book at Barnes & Noble.
I am horifically appalled that Strobel was an investigative reporter. Someone needs to review his investigations - hopefully no one ever went to jail for his investigations because they need a full pardon. I've read some reviews and an incredible analysis of his "arguments" so I'm not going to go totally in depth about it.
Let me sum up:
Strobel attempts to "prove" that Jesus was the son of God by "investigating" and interviewing authorities in the field. Which would be fine and dandy if he had interviewed anyone who didn't already believe what he was trying to prove. He talks about people and groups who don't believe - but he never actually talks to them. I have a major problem with this. Also, he "proves" that the New Testament is real and the truth by saying that the oral tradition that was the norm in Jesus's time was accurately transcribed into the books of the New Testament because the people would have memorized the exact way the events took place. Now, anyone who's ever taken an intro to Psychology course knows the problem with that statement. Scores of studies have proven (actually proven in a scientific way) that the human memory is incredibly faulty and unreliable. And he throws around big names like John Douglas (of FBI behavioral analysis fame) to make him seem credible, but to people who know who he's talking about he just sounds like an even bigger idiot. FYI - John Douglas would never try to profile someone in the manner that this idiot does.
Needless to say, I'm exchanging the book at Barnes & Noble.
I am a leaf on the wind.
You will be missed.
Ok, to catch up on birthdays: Happy birthday to mother, Buddy Dad, Morgan, Molly and Me! Yes, it was my birthday on Saturday. It was a good day. I got presents and cake and treated sweetly, so I was happy.
I'm doing "interviews" today and tomorrow to find a major professor. It's a little nerve-racking. I had one this morning, I have another one in 45 minutes and the last tomorrow. I feel like I'm just going in and saying "hi, hello, can I quiz you for about half an hour and hope that you like me and my interests enough to take me under your wing for the next 2-3 years? So, how are you?"
Whew! I just had a panic moment - I couldn't find my phone. I hate being so reliant on technology. This coming from the girl who checks her email 178 times a day. Geeze, I'm so conflicted. Cognitive dissonance! Cognitive dissonance!
Ok, to catch up on birthdays: Happy birthday to mother, Buddy Dad, Morgan, Molly and Me! Yes, it was my birthday on Saturday. It was a good day. I got presents and cake and treated sweetly, so I was happy.
I'm doing "interviews" today and tomorrow to find a major professor. It's a little nerve-racking. I had one this morning, I have another one in 45 minutes and the last tomorrow. I feel like I'm just going in and saying "hi, hello, can I quiz you for about half an hour and hope that you like me and my interests enough to take me under your wing for the next 2-3 years? So, how are you?"
Whew! I just had a panic moment - I couldn't find my phone. I hate being so reliant on technology. This coming from the girl who checks her email 178 times a day. Geeze, I'm so conflicted. Cognitive dissonance! Cognitive dissonance!
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