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Bigotry Makes Me Ill
The other day on the drive to Auburn I saw a homemade sign hanging on a street sign. The homemade sign said "Jesus Loves Babies." I had two thoughts: 1) Who doesn't love babies? and 2) Wild guess - a anti-abortionist made that sign. That was pretty much the extent of my thought about it since it's pretty commonplace to see stuff like that down here in "God's country." A few miles down the road I saw another sign made in a similar form that read "Gays Fill Up Hell." I had a few thoughts about this one, most of which utilized my cunning wit ("what, so there's no room for you?", "how hard would it be to change 'gays' to 'close minded asshole bigots'?") but it also made me very angry. How dare they use a public sign to host their pretentious filth. How dare they force that bullshit down the throat of every person that drives down this road. As I became more and more irate about the situation, I made my mind up to take down the sign if it was still up the next time I drove by. I drove by today and it was already down.Score one for the good guys.
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