Friday, October 05, 2007

Happy Fun Laughy-Time!

So everyone knows that Laffy Taffy *cue the weirdly obscene song* is almost as famous for their comically un-funny jokes on each wrapper.

However, when did they start printing the psychotic gibberish of schizophrenic 4-year-olds?

Actual jokes from some wrappers I've gotten:

Q: How did the bone cross the road?
A: It didn't - the dog ate it!

Q: What did one cool alien say to the other?

A: Yo! You're a far out dude!

Q: What flies and helps people?
A: A Helidoctor!

Q: What do you call a cold puppy sitting on a rabbit?
A: A chili dog on a bun!

Q: Which garden has the most vegetables?
A: Flash garden.


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