Friday, February 02, 2007

O'Reilly v. Little Girl - Beat Down O' the Century

Ok, so I've basically been cruising the internet all day (I did go to work for about 3 hours and took an equally long nap... it's a rough life...) and what I've found has been well worth all the crap I've trolled through (again... rough life).

Thanks to the Cincinnati Beacon, my world has become a little brighter.

Political exchange of the year: Bill O’Reilly vs the “coolest 8 year old girl in the world” Saturday, December 23, 2006

Posted by Andrew Warner

Out of all the things that happened this year, watching Bill O’Reilly get intellectually bitch-slapped by an eight year old, scripted or not, was one of the funniest moments of the year.

If you’ve never seen the infamous video, in which a young girl accuses the Republican party of killing more people than rap music and video games (a true fact), calls God fictitious (if that’s not true, prove it), and claims children should learn empathy in place of divisive religious beliefs; watch every second of it:Bill O’Reilly decried the video as an act of child abuse. I guess because she used the word “ass” and told the truth about religion’s bloody history? In the spirit of fair and objective journalism, I will put O’Reilly’s stupid-ass side of the argument up as well:

Did you catch that? This is what the “child advocate” said:

“Using a child as a tool to promote propaganda, political propaganda, about which the child understands nothing… is the ultimate inhumane treatment of a child.”

So teaching a child empathy, logic, and the use of scientific and statistical knowledge to critique the theories of half-cocked pundits like Bill O’Reilly; tops child rape, child beating, and child pornography on the list of ways to inhumanely treat a child. That’s rich. Not to mention the child was “acting.”

Really? The ultimate inhumane treatment of a child? Are you sure? Why don't you get back to us on that one.

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