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Mmmm... Thanksgiving. *drool*So this year I had two Thanksgiving dinners - one at my maternal grandmother's (lunch) and the other at my step-paternal grandmother's (dinner).
The first was the traditional turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, pie, etc. It was good and I was stuffed. The second was turkey, rolls, fruit salad, fritos, and rotel. It was the perfect after-Thanksgiving-dinner dinner.
I'm not sure which one I liked better.
I've been DVR-ing The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. It's so beautiful. November 14 - Fmr. Sen. John Edwards was the guest on The Daily Show. Here ya go. Did you hear him say that if you go to his website ( you might see some exciting news soon? I did! Could it be? Are my hopes and dreams coming true? Oh, god I hope so.
"I would be a freakin awesome President."
I love movies. And I love lists. And when you put them together....AFI's 100 Years 100 Cheers was on tonight. It's a list of the 100 greatest inspirational movies. I love them all. From the website:Tom Hanks and Henry Fonda are the most represented male actors on the ballot with eight inspiring movies each. Sidney Poitier, Gary Cooper and Denzel Washington each have seven movies on the ballot.
Jean Arthur is the most represented female actor on the ballot with four movies.
Frank Capra and Steven Spielberg each have six inspiring movies on the ballot, leading all directors. Capra's films are MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN ('36), YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU ('38), MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON ('39), MEET JOHN DOE ('41) IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE ('46) and POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES ('61); while Spielberg directed CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND ('77), E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ('82), THE COLOR PURPLE ('85), SCHINDLER'S LIST ('93), AMISTAD ('97) and SAVING PRIVATE RYAN ('98).
Over one third of the movies on the ballot are movies inspired by real life people and events.
1939 is the most represented year on the ballot, with 12 inspiring movies.
I hate getting ready for work early. Now I'm just laying around watching freakin' Dawson's Creek for 30 minutes.Oh, man this blows.
This is a favorite of mine. If you could be the illigitamate child of two people, dead or alive, who would they be?Mine's easy - Katherine Hepburn and the Dali Lama.
A couple of weeks ago, while wandering in the Christian bookstore (no I didn't burst into flames - shock and awe) Sam and I stumbled upon the most awesome book in the world.
Yes. This is a novel titled The Justice Riders by Chuck *Roundhouse kick you in the face* Norris. You know, I can actually accept this, but one thing bothers me - Why was this in the Christian book store? Are they riding for justice against the devil?
I'm so bummed. I just realized I totally missed Love Your Body Day. Dangit!Somewhere in this apartment is a pin that Sam wore for LYBD a couple of years ago that says "My Girlfriend is a Star." *Grin*
And you can get me this if you want.