The "object" of the game is to "discover" new "breeds" of fish by "impregnating" one fish with another fish. Once the baby fish gets "old" enough, you can see what kind it is and what kind it's "parents" were. You can also sell fish and make "money" to improve your "tank" and buy more fish stuff. The game goes in real time so the fish grow, get hungry, and die even when the game isn't on (like real fish).
After many rounds of impregnating and selling various fish, you might have a beautiful "tank" of simufish to enjoy.
But don't take my word on how great this game is - here are some real quotes from people who have played the game:
This game is great. Its so much fun to have virtualOf course, the most fun part about it for me is waking up in the morning to see how many of my fish have died in my sleep.
fish, because they don't make a mess. Fish Ivr, Texas
It is the best fish game I ever played Frank, Albany
i'm obsessed. i'm thinking about paying the 20 bucks for the full version. whaddaya think?
help!! Our sallelite remote has accidently gotten soaked with soda. we cannot change the channel. I think we need to get this game. Send us the link!!
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