Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Syllogism know, those three statements of sequential logic you did in middle school?

Well, a Republican senator of Indiana has one for us:
1. Gays and Lesbians cannot get married.
2. Gays and Lesbians can use infertility and surrogate treatments to have children.
3. We (self-righteous, right-wing, moral-legislating, narrow minded pompous weasels) can prevent number 2 by making it legal only for married couples to receive such treatments.

Look, Senator, if you want to criminalize homosexuality, just try to do that; doing it this way just makes you look like a hypocritical moron. Any 7th grader can follow you're infantile logic and see your pathetic attempt.

I have to go throw up.

Sorry, I can't take credit for this. Sam said it and allowed me to post it.

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